giovedì 2 maggio 2019

The menu of us

The 4A-Team




1 baguette

100g of smoked salmon

200g of spreadable cheese

1 spring of parsley

Lemon juice (to taste)

Salt and pepper (to taste)


Cut the baguette into slices, place them on a baking sheet and toast them in the oven at 200°for 5-10 minutes.
Meanwhile, put the spreadable cheese in a bowl with a few drops of lemon and a pinch of salt. Separately cut the smoked salmon into pieces and chop the parsley. When the bread becomes crispy, spread on each slice a spoonful of spreadable cheese and a few pieces of salmon. Serve your salmon croutons with a spring of parsley and a pinch of pepper.



Ingredients for chicken
1 whole cleaned chicken
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon ginger powder
½ tablespoon curcuma
1 glove of garlic
1 strand of olive oil
enough water

Ingredients for sauce
1 strand of olive oil
1 tablespoon ginger powder
½ tablespoon curcuma
1 tablespoon salt
some filaments of saffron
4 onions
1 handful of coriander
1 lemon wedge
1 bowl of olives
2.5 l of water

To start: put in a small bowl the spiles for the marinade (salt; ginger and turmeric).
Add on top a peeled and grated clove of garlic .
Then add water and mix. Brush all the chiken with this marinade sauce and let the sauce rest.
For the sauce: peel the onions and slice them finely. In a casserole, put the olive oil and onions. Add ginger, turmeric, saffron and water and mix.
Add the chiken on top and a small bunch of parsley and coriander strings. The idea is just to give a little taste, it will be removed at the end of cooking.
Once the water is boiling, cover and cook for 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, collect the lemon peels and cut them into small pieces. When the chiken is ready, remove it from the sauce and put it in a baking dish and let it brown for 20 minutes at 200°c. In the sauce put the grated candied lemon peels and the olives and mix. Simmer a few minutes until the sauce reduces. Once the chiken is golden brown, place it into a dish and put over the reduced sauce. Decorate with a few slices of candied lemon.



3 boiled potatoes, peeled and mashed
0,75 tsp khasmiri red chilli powder
0,38 tsp turmeric
3 tbsp corn flour
0,75 tsp garam masala(mixed spices)
0,75 tsp dried mango powder
6 tsp sunflower oil
0,38 tsp chaat masala salt to taste

FOR CHAAT (1 serving)

3 tbsp yogurt
1,5 tbsp green chutney
1,5 tamarind chutney
pinch of red chilli powder
pinch of salt
1,5 tbsp finely chopped onion
1,5 tbsp finely chopped tomato
handful of sev
pinch of cumin powder
pinch of chaat masala
few coriander leaves

Firstly, in a large mixing bowl take 2 boiled and mashed potatoes. Add chilli powder, turmeric, mix spices, dried mango powder, chaat masala and salt. Also add corn flour and combine all. Form a soft dough adding more corn flour if required than grease your hands with oil and prepare small round patties, roast them with oil on low-medium flame till they turn crisp and golden.
Now place the tikki/patties in a plate top with 2/3 tbsp of yogurt also put on all the topping ingredients. In the end put on sev and some coriander leaves. Serve it.




4 eggs
200gr of sugar
200gr of fine – ground flour (00)
½ of little envelope of yeast for sweets
1 lemon (peel and juice around 50gr)


200ml of whip cream
1 spoon of powdered sugar
1 spoon of honey

First prepare the base of the cake: with the electric beater whip the eggs with the sugar, for at least 5 minutes, until you get a clear and soft mixture.
Then add the juice and the peel of the lemon.
Keep on whipping adding little by little the sieved flour and yeast mix well and pour the mixture in a rectangular cake pan with oven paper.
Cook the cake pun in warm static oven at 160° for 15-20 minutes.

Once the base is ready take it out of warm static oven and let it cool down.
Next prepare the cream: with the electric beater whip the refrigerated whipped cream with the powdered sugar until it forms stiff peaks and then add the honey.
Keep on whipping for a few minutes until you get a firm mixture.
Cut the cake in two layers and smear the whipped cream layer, cover with food transparent film and allow to rest in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before cutting it in small squared pieces.
Serve then with a topping of powdered sugar.

In the end...