martedì 1 marzo 2016

Welcome on board!

Hi guys!

Welcome on this brand new blog!

We are going to use this virtual place to chat about two interesting subjects: Food and Music. Considering the subjects you can easily understand the title of the blog!! ;)

The goal is to share information about songs, singers, bands in order to spread our knowledge about music. We can propose songs in English describing the emotions and the feeling that music generates in us. Maybe someone doesn't know our favourite songs, so... what about sharing it?

We will do the same for Food! When we talk about food our senses usually activate immediately…so why not sharing particular recipes, juicy food pictures and secret suggestion? Many of us can cook special dishes, exotic and foreign specialties.... and we would love to become a virtual kitchen! We can post here recipes, video tutorials, delicious pictures of our dishes!
What are we waiting for?

brand new: completely new
goal: aim to reach
to spread: to propagate, to publicize
recipe: directions for making a dish
suggestion: an idea someone proposes

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