giovedì 2 maggio 2019

The menu of us

The 4A-Team




1 baguette

100g of smoked salmon

200g of spreadable cheese

1 spring of parsley

Lemon juice (to taste)

Salt and pepper (to taste)


Cut the baguette into slices, place them on a baking sheet and toast them in the oven at 200°for 5-10 minutes.
Meanwhile, put the spreadable cheese in a bowl with a few drops of lemon and a pinch of salt. Separately cut the smoked salmon into pieces and chop the parsley. When the bread becomes crispy, spread on each slice a spoonful of spreadable cheese and a few pieces of salmon. Serve your salmon croutons with a spring of parsley and a pinch of pepper.



Ingredients for chicken
1 whole cleaned chicken
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon ginger powder
½ tablespoon curcuma
1 glove of garlic
1 strand of olive oil
enough water

Ingredients for sauce
1 strand of olive oil
1 tablespoon ginger powder
½ tablespoon curcuma
1 tablespoon salt
some filaments of saffron
4 onions
1 handful of coriander
1 lemon wedge
1 bowl of olives
2.5 l of water

To start: put in a small bowl the spiles for the marinade (salt; ginger and turmeric).
Add on top a peeled and grated clove of garlic .
Then add water and mix. Brush all the chiken with this marinade sauce and let the sauce rest.
For the sauce: peel the onions and slice them finely. In a casserole, put the olive oil and onions. Add ginger, turmeric, saffron and water and mix.
Add the chiken on top and a small bunch of parsley and coriander strings. The idea is just to give a little taste, it will be removed at the end of cooking.
Once the water is boiling, cover and cook for 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, collect the lemon peels and cut them into small pieces. When the chiken is ready, remove it from the sauce and put it in a baking dish and let it brown for 20 minutes at 200°c. In the sauce put the grated candied lemon peels and the olives and mix. Simmer a few minutes until the sauce reduces. Once the chiken is golden brown, place it into a dish and put over the reduced sauce. Decorate with a few slices of candied lemon.



3 boiled potatoes, peeled and mashed
0,75 tsp khasmiri red chilli powder
0,38 tsp turmeric
3 tbsp corn flour
0,75 tsp garam masala(mixed spices)
0,75 tsp dried mango powder
6 tsp sunflower oil
0,38 tsp chaat masala salt to taste

FOR CHAAT (1 serving)

3 tbsp yogurt
1,5 tbsp green chutney
1,5 tamarind chutney
pinch of red chilli powder
pinch of salt
1,5 tbsp finely chopped onion
1,5 tbsp finely chopped tomato
handful of sev
pinch of cumin powder
pinch of chaat masala
few coriander leaves

Firstly, in a large mixing bowl take 2 boiled and mashed potatoes. Add chilli powder, turmeric, mix spices, dried mango powder, chaat masala and salt. Also add corn flour and combine all. Form a soft dough adding more corn flour if required than grease your hands with oil and prepare small round patties, roast them with oil on low-medium flame till they turn crisp and golden.
Now place the tikki/patties in a plate top with 2/3 tbsp of yogurt also put on all the topping ingredients. In the end put on sev and some coriander leaves. Serve it.




4 eggs
200gr of sugar
200gr of fine – ground flour (00)
½ of little envelope of yeast for sweets
1 lemon (peel and juice around 50gr)


200ml of whip cream
1 spoon of powdered sugar
1 spoon of honey

First prepare the base of the cake: with the electric beater whip the eggs with the sugar, for at least 5 minutes, until you get a clear and soft mixture.
Then add the juice and the peel of the lemon.
Keep on whipping adding little by little the sieved flour and yeast mix well and pour the mixture in a rectangular cake pan with oven paper.
Cook the cake pun in warm static oven at 160° for 15-20 minutes.

Once the base is ready take it out of warm static oven and let it cool down.
Next prepare the cream: with the electric beater whip the refrigerated whipped cream with the powdered sugar until it forms stiff peaks and then add the honey.
Keep on whipping for a few minutes until you get a firm mixture.
Cut the cake in two layers and smear the whipped cream layer, cover with food transparent film and allow to rest in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before cutting it in small squared pieces.
Serve then with a topping of powdered sugar.

In the end...

mercoledì 28 novembre 2018


Fresh Blog

Xxxtentacion, born in Plantation, Florida in 1998 on 23 January, was a famous rapper.
He died on 18 June 2018.
His real name was Jahsen Dwayne Ricardo Onfroy.
Xxx was raised by his grandmother at the age of six; he had almost killed a man because he abused his mom.
His carreer began on Twitter and Sound Cloud (he had about 300k followers).
He lived his life breaking the law, and this behavior gave him an unmistakable air of authenticity.
In 2014 he published his first video but received only negative comments, he didn't give up and began to publish many songs, until in 2015 he published Look At Me and he got a great success.
His music style is a mixture of hip pop and emo.
But on 18 june 2018, at the exit of a bike shop, he got hit by gunshots of weapon fire, he moved to the hospital and a few hours later they announced his death.
We have decided to tell his story because in recent times all media have talked a lot about his death and we have been really impressed about his life's story beacuse it is very difficult an troubled, his story fully represents what rap is and many stories of famous rappers resemble his story, which we would also like to try.

RAPPER: a person who performs a rap music.
UNMISTAKBLE: not able to be mistaken for anything else, very distinctive.
PUBLISH: prepare and issue (a book, journal or a piece of music) for public sale.
HOSPITAL: an istitution providing medical and surgical treatment and nursing care for sick or injured people.
SOUND CLOUD: it is a website that allows musician to collaborate, promote and distribute their music.
GUN SHOT: a shot fired from a gun, pistol or a rifle.
HIP POP: a style of popular music of American black and hispanic origin, featuring rap with an electronic backing.

giovedì 22 novembre 2018


The 4 strangers

Daniel Hernandez was born on May 8, 1996 in Brooklyn. He is an american rapper and he is professionally known as 6ix9ine or Tekashi69. He is known for his power screaming technique in some of his songs.
6ix9ine became famous thanks to his debut single "GUMMO" in 2017. His first album was Day69 and he entered in the Top Ten for his first time with his song "FEFE" featured with Nicki Minaj. 6ix9ine was born to a Mexican mother and a Puerto Rican father and raised by both until the age of 13 and then he grew up alongside his brother.
When 6ix9ine was young he had various jobs and sold marijuana to help his family financially. He had trouble with the law, for example he was accused of a sexual contact with a 13-years-old girl. In our opinion 6ix9ine is a strange person but at the same time he has made a career and has become very famous.
His first apparition in Italy was at Number1's club and we went to see him and we liked it so much. We appreciate that he does a lot of donations to help poor people. We have chosen him because of those things and his popularity. His appearence is unconventional, he has tattoos of the number 69 in different parts of his body and has a tattoo of an evil clown and a spiderweb on his face. He bought a mouth guard composed by diamonds. He spends a lot of money for jewerly and diamonds watches and he likes showing he has a lot of money. His behaviour is very strange because sometimes he makes music videos without his clothes on and sometimes his dances are ridiculous but the most strange thing of him is that he has a multicolour haircut.
Our favourite song is "FEFE" because of the music sound and because this is a collaboration with Nicki Minaj. We waited him at Number1 Club and it was awesome. We were in the queue for 2 hours because a huge crowd was there. After that concert the club was shut down to the public because that night some security laws were violated. In our opinion 6ix9ine will become more famous than now and one of the best singers in the 21th century.

Behaviour: it is the attitude of a person.
Controversial: when you use unusual behaviour.
Featured: it is when you do a song with another person.
Alongside: when you are next to someone.
Marijuana: it is a plant used to get high.
Law: everyone must respect it to live in a good society.
Accused: when you do something wrong.
Famous: when you are recognized in the world for something.
Appreciate: it is when someone does something good and you like it.
Donation: when you give money to poor people.
Apparition: when someone comes in one place for the first time.
Club: it is a place where you can go to a party.

giovedì 15 novembre 2018


Delicious Food

I remember that summer day spent with my friends
in the mountain. Once we got to the mountains, we were a bit tired and so
 we decided to rest for a while and to have lunch.
After eating, we had a football match. After the match, we went down the mountain and we reached  to Marco's house to have a snack. His mum prepared a strawberry cheesecake.
We really liked the cake and for this reason we asked his mum the recipe.
We chosen this topic because we really like the strawberry cheesecake and we were curious to know the method of preparation of this dessert.


400 gm cow ricotta
250 gm philadelphia
250 gm dry biscuits
150 gm butter
150 gm sugar
3 spoons 00 flour
50 ml dairy liquid cream
4 eggs
400 g strawberries
1 vanilla bean
250 gm strawberry jam

1) Break The biscuits into small pieces.
2) Melt The butter and pour it over the biscuits.
3) Cover the bottom of a cake pan with some paper baking and pour the biscuit dough into it.
4) With a spoon compact it until you form a uniform layer of 1,5 cm.
5) put the cake pan in the fridge.
6) Remove the seeds from the vanilla bean and put them into a small bowl with dairy liquid cream.
7) Put in a bowl philadelphia,  ricotta,  flour and sugar.
8) From the small bowl with the dairy liquid cream remove the vanilla bean and mix it with eggs.
9) Pour the cream in to the cake pan and put it into the oven at 160° for an hour.
10) Cut the strawberries into pieces and heat them up with a couple of sugar.
11) Caramelize over a slow flame for a few minutes.

To rest= To relax or do nothing after a period of activity. 
Match= A sports event where people or teams compete against each other. 
Recipe= A set of instructions that tells you how to cook. 
Mountain= A very high hill,  often with rocks near the top. 
Curious= Interested in learning about people or things around you. 
Choose= To decide what you want from two or more things or possibilities. 
Dessert= Sweet food eaten at the end of a meal. 
Spend= To use time doing something or being somewhere. 
Ask= To put a question to  someone,  or to request an answer from someone. 
Reason= The cause of an event or situation or something that provides an excuse or explation.

martedì 13 novembre 2018

A dessert can change your mood

Sweet stars

After a stressful and hot school day, I missed the bus to go home. Waiting for the next one, I saw an Indian friend passing by, she saw me and came to greet me. I was so hungry that I asked her if she knew any good restaurant to have lunch. On the way she told me that her dream was to take me to India: an imaginary trip to a foreign country! That's what she did... ! She took me to a magical Indian restaurant to taste some special dishes. When we arrived there, I thought we were in another world: it was all decorated with flowers on the walls. At the entrance of the restaurant, a waiter dressed in a white tunic welcomed us and kindly brought us to our table.
There was a very good smell!
I started to imagine what dishes the chef was cooking in the kitchen. Then we tasted some dishes and they were delicious!

We congratulated the chef on the preparation of the dishes. While talking a bit about the recipes, the chef asked me if I knew any typical Albanian desserts: the Trilece immediately came into my mind. It’s a very well known dessert in Albania!

The very curious chef asked me if I could prepare it and I didn't wait a minute! After he tasted this delicious dish he congratulated me and asked for the recipe. Here it is!

  • 6 eggs 
  • 150 gr of sugar 
  • 170 gr flour 
  • 250 ml cream for dessert 
  • 1 l whole milk
  • 200 gr caramel

Yolk: the yellow part of eggs.
White: the white part of eggs.
Cream for dessert: it is the fat part of the milk usually used to make dessert.
Whisk: to mix the ingredients with a blender.
Flour: the flour derives from cereal and it is used in cooking for dessert, bread, etc…
Dough: it is the mixing of flour and other ingredients in a recipe that can be baked and eaten.
Butter the pan: to grease the pan to ensure that the finished product doesn’t stick to the sides of the pan.
Caramel: it comes from sugar and water mixed together. It is used to cover desserts.

giovedì 11 ottobre 2018

How to be excluded from Masterchef... for sure

                                                                                                                                       Identity crisis
MasterChef is an American competitive cooking reality show. In the reality the competitors have to prove their skills in the culinary field and the best one wins. The winner gets $ 100.000,00 in gold coins and the opportunity to publish a book with his/her recipes.
Taking part to MasterChef would be a dream, but in our case it’s not a good idea… since the last time we cooked piadina we burnt the kitchen! Luckily… we are survivors!
After this bad adventure we understood that we really love eating food but we aren’t really gifted at cooking. Anyway… we will try to cook the Mug Cake. We discovered this recipe thanks to our friend that is a chef. He told us that to improve we must start from an easy recipe and keep going with harder recipes.

Our thought was: if we can cook the Mug Cake then everybody can do it! And now we are going to teach you how to make it. The ingredients are not so many, you just need:

- 180 g of sugar;
- 160 g of flour 00;
- 120 g of powdered milk;
- 40 g of powdered bitter cocoa;
- 6 g of yeast for cakes;
- 2 eggs.

To prepare the mug cake you need to beat the eggs and the sugar with an electric whisker or hand whisker. When you get a white and foamy mixture, in a bowl sieve and mix the flour, the bitter chocolate powder and the yeast for cakes. Add the powders little by little to the mixture together with the milk.

Then, continue to mix the ingredients with a whisker. When you get a fluid mixture transfer it into the mug.

Add the white chocolate previously cut in small pieces then cover the cup with transparent film suitable for cooking in microwave. Then cook in microwave at 600 watts (or maximum power for your microwave) for about 1-2 minutes: it depends on your microwave. If you like a consistency more similar to a cake you can leave the mug in the microwave for a bit more.

When the mug cake is ready take it out from the microwave and let it chill!
Now you have your “mug cake” ready to eat. Enjoy your meal and see you next time!


Piadina: lethal weapon that was killing me. I’m joking, it is a simple Italian recipe.
Mug: where you put your milk when you have breakfast.
Improve: when we stop burning the kitchen cooking a piadina.
Ingredients: what you need to prepare a recipe.
Powdered: how your mother reduces you if you don’t listen to her.
Bitter: when you don’t put sugar in your coffee.
Electric whisker: a special tool to mix ingredients used in the kitchen.
Mixture: mix of ingredients.
Sieve: a special tool to remove lumps from flour.
Little by little: slowly, gradually.
Fluid: one of three states of substance.
Pieces: how Joe Bastianich reduces a dish when he doesn’t like it.
Film: a type of cover that you use to cover food.
Microwave: a domestic appliance that serves to heat up a food.
Chill: what you need when you are warm.

Kosovan Pite


When I woke up in the morning I opened the window with a big smile on my face: the sun was rising. I went downstairs and I gave my mum a kiss on her cheek. As usually, I went to brush my teeth and she prepared my breakfast. When I was checking my backpack for school and I was about to go out, she suddenly told me that that evening we would cook “pite”! I screamed of joy. I really love preparing Pite!!!
I went to school and the lessons seemed endless: I wanted those five hours to become five minutes. When I turned back home I threw my backpack on the floor, I washed my hands and I was ready to put them in the dough.

Pastry dishes are very popular in Kosovo and the most consumed is “Pite”: that’s a pie filled with beef, spinach or cheese.

If you want to prepare a special Pite here is the recipe for 6 people

 For making pite with cheese you need only few ingredients: cheese, cream, salt, oil, yeast and flour.
For the dough: take a bowl and start putting your flour in it, begin to pour some warm water, put some salt and a bit of yeast. Mix then all the ingredients together then let it rest for approximately 30 minutes.

 Preheat the oven at 200 °C and take the dough and roll it up into balls in order to obtain 10/12 balls.
Take the balls and roll them one by one using a rolling pin: you will get the phyllo dough. Then put the cheese and the cream in order to have ropes: put all those ropes next to each other and put some oil and cream on top to make them crispy. 

Put your pite in the oven for 45 minutes and don’t forget to have a look at it from time to time or it will get burnt! Once out of the oven let it rest and cut it in some slices: the dish is now ready! You can taste it with peppers, pickles or tomatoes salad. But remember... drink a lot of water because it’s a very salted dish!!!

Rising: (to rise) something going from a low position to a higher (in our case the sun was going to a higher position)
Downstairs: the lower floor of a house
Scream of joy: when someone screams because he’s/she’s happy
Dough: it is a thick mixture of flour and other ingredients that can be kneaded, baked and eaten
Bowl: a round container that is open on the top and is deep enough to hold fruit, sugar, etc.
Pastry dishes: some dishes (such as pies) are made of pastry casing that covers or completely contains a filling of a variety of sweet or savory ingredients
Pie: a baked dish with fruit/meat/vegetables, typically with a top and base of pastry. You can have sweet pies or salted pies
Few: a small/ non- specific number
Yeast: bakers use yeast to turn flat, sticky, dough into tall, fluffy bread
Pour: to make a substance flow from a container into another container
Rolling pin: a cylinder used to roll out dough to make it flatten
Phyllo dough: it is a very thin part of dough used for making pastries such as baklava or borek (pite) in Middle Eastern and Balkan cuisine
Pickles: vegetables that have been preserved in a vinegar sauce or salty water.