giovedì 19 ottobre 2017

People help people

Three years ago I felt the most lonely and messiest person in the world.
I was in a dark period from which I couldn’t get out. I had my heart broken, I didn’t smile anymore, I wasn’t the same as before.
On a gloomy afternoon of three years ago, I was going to the train station.
I was listening to music and looking down, when a boy smiled at me and I did the same.
Just a smile, nothing more.
A year after, in October, I saw him again: it was another bad day. On that day I was so sad that I was crying. I was going to the train station and I thought I would have loved to meet the mysterious boy, but I had almost lost hope.
He passed next to me and I immediately recognized him. We didn’t talk and we both had a very sad face, but we knew we needed to talk together. I went for the train but a few seconds later the mysterious boy turned to me smiling: I realized that he had recognized me as well.
I got on the train and I haven’t seen him since that day.
I tried to find out who he was to thank him for helping me with just a simple smile. Since that day I think that sometimes there are special bonds between people that don’t require words.
Sometimes pain get people together.
People help each other without knowing it: that boy helped me without saying a word. He helped  me with a smile.
Lonely: alone, a person who stands alone
Messy: disordered, a confused person who doesn’t put things in order
Gloomy: dark, a day without sun
Smile:  to assume a facial expression indicating favor and fun
See: to view something with the eyes
Lose hope: be sad, see negative
Recognize: to know, to see someone among many people
Find out: to get an information
Bond: a relationship among people

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