martedì 31 ottobre 2017

The Margherita Cake

Cooking Rockers

We are the Rockers, in our group there are 4 components: Marko, Luca, Giuseppe and Federico! Marko is the Chef who cooked The Margherita Cake, Luca is the Recorder who recorded all the video, Giuseppe is Marko’s helper and Federico is the boss and we decided to make The Margherita Cake as our topic! The Margherita Cake is soft, tasty and easy to do in little time! It was our first cake that we cooked successfully, after making that cake, cooking has become our hobby! We discovered this cake on a Saturday afternoon in summer, we were at Marko's home playing video games and after a few hours of gaming we were hungry, so Luca searched on the internet easy recipes and from a site we discovered the Margherita Cake! Marko already had all the ingredients, so we got started to make it! During the making process we had very funny moments, for example when we divided the egg white from the yolks and Luca threw it onto Federico’s head. Once finished, we tasted it and it was very very good! We were very happy and after that day, every Saturday we meet and cook together tastier and more fantastic food!

To make this cake you need the following ingredients:

- 5 eggs
- 150 g. flour
- 180 g. sugar
- 16 g. baking powder
- 150 g. potato starch
- 90 g. butter
- 1 lemon zest
- 130 ml. milk
- Icing sugar to taste

How to make this cake:
First, separate the egg whites from yolks, then add the sugar with the yolks and finally mix with the mixer for some minutes. After add the butter and amalgamate, sift the flour, the potato starch and the baking powder and slowly add during the mixing. If the mixture results dry add slowly the milk and continue to mixing. Grate the lemon zest in the mixture and stop. Then mix with a silicon shovel the egg white and add it to the mixture delicately. Flour and butter a baking tray and put it inside the mixture and level. Then cook it in a oven at 150°C for 70 minutes, after add the icing sugar to taste.
Then the cake is finished and you can enjoy it!

Tasty : a tasty food has a strong and very pleasant flavour
Successfully: having a great result
Hobby: a pleasant activity
Discover: to find information
Flour: finely ground meal derived from wheat, used in baking and cooking
Baking powder: a mixture of powders used to make cakes rise and become light when they are baked
Lemon zest: lemon peel
Icing sugar: it is a type of sugar that is used to make a cake better and good
Yolk: it is the internal part of an egg
Recipe: it is a text where it is written how to make a food and what the necessary ingredients are

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