giovedì 2 novembre 2017


 The Strangers

The pasul has Turkish origins, and its ingredients are beans, water, meat, vegetables and various spices. It's a typical Turkish-Kosovan dish that was born more than three centuries ago, and it’s still adored by all Turks and Kosovans. 
This dish was used during war time because it is easy to prepare. We chose the pasul because it’s very tasty and everybody adores it. After preparing, the pasul takes a day to rest, so that the next day the dish is ready to be eaten. 
The pasul takes from four to six hours only for cooking and boiling. The only flaw of this dish is that it causes farts. The pasul is usually matched with salad and homemade cheese, and it can be served without meat, but it’s mostly consumed with homemade dried beef.
When I think about the pasul, it occurs to me when I was a kid and it was time to have dinner with all my cousins: we ate together laughing and joking after a day full of games. It also reminds me some winter days spent out with my grandfather to help him and in the evening we ate the hot pasul, that warmed us all over the body, exposed to the cold of those days.

Black pepper
Dried meat

It takes from four to six hours of cooking and boiling; and it’s usually matched with salad and homemade cheese. To prepare the pasul, you have to fill a pot of water and put it to boil, when the water bubbles, add the beans and let the beans cook together with the meat; then take a frying pan and fry the onions cut into tiny pieces and add black pepper, cut peppers, salt. After 2/3 hours of boiling, when the beans and the meat are ready, put the spices and cuttings in the pot and let it boil slowly for about 3 hours.

At last the pasul is served hot with homemade cheese or homemade cucumber peppers under homemade vinegar.

Dish: the dish is a particular type of food
Centuries: a century is a period of 100 years
Tasty: the word tasty it’s used to describe a dish; and it means that the dish has a good taste
Boiling: boiling is when a liquid reaches the temperature and turns into a gas
Fart: a fart is a flatus expelled through the anus
Homemade: it means that it’s prepared at home
Dried: it means that it’s characterized by absence of natural wetness
Laughing: when a person laughs it means that he is amused, pleased, happy
Warmed: it means having moderate heat
Exposed: it means vulnerable

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