martedì 7 novembre 2017

Mattoncini cake

Why the name “Mattoncini”? The cake we propose is made of various icing layers and biscuits: looking at this cake makes you think of the bricks that build a house and when you cuts a slice…well, the similarity stands out!
The last days of summer are over and you can see new autumn colours. It’s the best time to say goodbye to a beautiful season. We are going to propose you a great way to say goodbye to the best time of the year and to our favourite season: let’s prepare a tasty cake! You could enjoy this dessert with your friends and family. It is hard to resist the temptation of a sweet, especially if it is homemade! In fact I remember that when I came to come over my grandparents, the first thing at once I've seen at once was this beautiful cake that reminded me of my childhood.

Preparation time: 30/35 minutes

Recipe for 6 people

- a pack of biscuits.
- 125g whipping cream
- 125g cream.
- 50g cocoa powder.
- half a cup of milk.
- chocolate bar.

Step 1
For the icing, mix the whipping cream and a half cup of milk in a pan and fry so that it becomes creamy, follow the same procedure in another container by adding half a cup of cocoa powder.

Step 2
Place the biscuits in the cooking tray then spread on them one of the glaze to your liking. For the second layer of cake, dunk the cookies in the milk, then put them in the baking tray together with the glaze.

Step 3
Continue until you reach enough layers, then finish decorating the cake with some bars of chocolate.

Among: within, amidst (eg. Their music’s popular among college students)
Clear: eg. He poured water into a clear glass
Layers: overlay, tier, coating, encrustation (eg. The chef layered the chocolate frosting of the cake)
Baking tray: tin, container for biscuits, etc.
Icing: frost, frosting, ice, icing the puck, etc (eg. to pipe icing onto a cake)
Dunk: to dip, to plunge (eg. I dunk the cookies in the milk)

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