mercoledì 20 aprile 2016

A delicious cheesecake :)

Life is like a recipe for a cake. 
If you follow the usual ingredients you will make the cake 
but you will already know how it will taste. 
People will appreciate it but they will forget it very soon. 
It always takes a touch of genius in any recipe to be sure that it won’t die 
with the last bite.

We are a group of girls with the passion of cooking and even if it's not your birthday today we are going to share with you some of our secret recipes!
Here is our special strawberry cheesecake... yummy!

24 cookies
3 tablespoons of butter melted
250 g Philadelphia (or cream cheese softened)
¾ cup of sugar
3 eggs

Preparation time: 20 m
Cooking time: 45 m
Ready in 4 h 5 m


Heat oven to 350 degrees.

Put 16 cookies in a plastic bag, flatten the bag to remove the excess of air, then finely crush cookies by rolling a rolling pin across the bag.

Place the crushed cookies in a bowl and add butter mixing carefully.

Press firmly onto bottom of springform pan

Beat the cream cheese, sugar and vanilla in a large bowl using an electrical mixer on medium speed until the mixture is well blended. Then add the 3 eggs one at a time, mixing after each addition.

Sprinkle with marmalade and make the cake tasty and lip-smacking adding red and fresh strawberries

Bake for 45 minutes or until the centre is almost cooked. Refrigerate 3 hours or overnight before serving.
Cut into 12 pieces and enjoy it!

If you resist eating the whole cheesecake store it in the refrigerator.

Yummy: very pleasing to the taste, delicious
Flatten: to press (oneself or one’s body) against a surface
Rolling pin: a tool consisting of a cylinder (usually of wood) with a handle at each end
Bottom: the lowest or deepest part of anything
Pan: a wide or broad, usually shallow metal container used for cakes and for cooking in general
Blend: to combine or mix two elements together so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable
Sprinkle: to disperse or distribute here and there, for example you sprinkle sugar on the top of a cake
Lip-smacking: displaying or expressing enjoyment or pleasure, especially at the taste of food or drink

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