sabato 30 aprile 2016

Have a great day!

This post is for a friend.

I'd like that this could sound like one of those tear-jerking birthday cards, but even if I'm not good at getting exactly what I want I'll try to do my best.

I wish you a happy birthday. A very, very happy one.

I know you don't like this day of the year, I perfectly know that if you could you would skip it... just as I do with songs on my radio when I'm driving. But but but... IT IS you birthday and we have to celebrate.
People usually get presents for their birthday: new shoes, clothes, books, jewels, sometimes even something more precious. But since you are an unusual person I thought that you deserved something different. Here it is. Just some notes and some words to let you know that I'm happy you are there.

It's your birthday, the cake is mine but we can share it :)

This song is for you, my friend.

tear-jerking: an excessively sentimental person, for example a tear-jerking person cries when he/she reads a nice birthday card from some friends
skip: when you skip, you do a little hop from foot to foot as you move along. When you have no patience you skip tracks on a cd
share: if you have a good friend you will probably share your cake, if you have a great friend you will share moments together eating cakes.

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