sabato 28 maggio 2016

A summer cake

The Taste of Sound
(in collaboration with the famous Directors Facchetti and Tonoli)

At last it's summer!

The first sunny days are coming and you can see new and shining colours in the nature.
It is the best moment for eating a coloured and fresh cake.

You could enjoy this cake with your friends in the park!


· 500 g mascarpone
· 6 eggs
· 1 can of pineapple
· 400 g Savoiardi
· 5 spoons of sugar


1. Break the eggs and divide egg yolks and egg whites, then put the two elements in different containers

2. Add five spoons of sugar to the egg yolks and amalgamate the mixture

3. Beat the egg whites with the mixer

4. Add the mascarpone, the mixture of egg yolks and sugar, the egg whites and amalgamate all the ingredients

5. Take the slices of pineapple out of their syrup

6. Put the slices of pineapple in the cake pan

7. Put some of the cream made with mascarpone, the mix of egg yalks, whites and sugar on the slices of pineapple

8. Soak the Savoiardi in the syrup of pineapple

9. Put the Savoiardi on the cream and add the last layer of cream on the top

10. Put the cake in the refrigerator for 2 hours

Special thanks to Paolo Facchetti and Adriano Tonoli!

Egg yolk: the yellow spherical part of an egg that is surrounded by the albumen
Egg white: the white part of an egg
Savoiardi: it is a type of biscuit
Syrup: concentrated solution of sugar in water
Beat: to hit repeatedly, for example Beat the egg whites
Amalgamate: to mix, to combine or blend different things together
Soak: to submerge something in a liquid
Beat until still: to whisk the egg whites until they take on a similar appearance to that of the snow
Slice: Portion of limited thickness separated by a mass by cutting, for example a slice of cake, a slice of ham, etc.
Pan: a cooking utensil that you use to cook an egg, for example

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